Compare Licences

Compare the different Licenses and their general terms below:

Graphics & Patterns

Use the Resources* to create unlimited personal projects
Use the Resources in multiple commercial projects
Use the Resources to sell digital products consisting of flattened Original Designs**
Use the Resources to create and sell up to 5 000 End Products collectively
Use the Resources to create and sell up to 250 000 End Products collectively

Use the Resources to create and sell unlimited physical End Products
Use the Resources as is, in a stand alone manner without creating an Original Design**
Redistribute, sub-licence, share or supply source files to a third party
Trademark, copyright or claim ownership of Resources

*Resources: Graphics and patterns found in products sold in my shop

**Original design: An Original Design is achieved by using the graphics or patterns as part of a wider design and not stand-alone. By adding text, backgrounds, other design elements, and overlapping elements, etc., you can create a unique, original design.


Use the font in unlimited commercial projects
Install the fonts on three devices used by single license holder: primary and secondary computer and mobile device
Use the font in a logo design
Make the font available for others to use including, but not limited to logo templates, P.O.D websites, website templates
Embed in a mobile or desktop app
Create graphic flattened alphabets, letterforms, digital alphabets (alphas), embroidery fonts, die-cut patterns or stencil designs

Add-ons (Procreate brushes)

Create and sell your own graphics / clip art / designs / artwork made from using the Add-ons/Brushes
Use in unlimited commercial projects
Share or supply original Add-ons/Brushes source files
Copy/modify the brushes and resell as your own ❌ 

If you're still unsure about anything regarding the licenses, please email us, we're happy to help!

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